Thursday, June 3, 2010

Starting a Blog

Well, I never thought I'd see myself starting up my very own blog. It's a long stretch of blank canvas that requires a lot of attention- not that I'm not used to starting things from scratch. But I'm seriously technologically challenged- OK, slight exaggeration. I'm not the most tragic case out there. But I still cant figure out how to put a template from another website onto this site.

Choosing a pen name wasn't easy, I mean, LockedinTranslation? OK yeah, I'd consider myself caught up in a lot of different adventures, stories, just like being 'locked' in it. I think it's pretty safe to admit that I would not want to forget about them, or really even move on from this stage in my life, cause the big adult world is kinda scary. Would I want to be 'locked' in this age? Maybe. Maybe not. Believe it or not, there are things to look forward to.

I want to go to University, and get out as fast as I can to build some sort of career . I want to move overseas and see the world. With or without someone, I'm doing it. I guess because of that brave remark, you could say I'm independent. I mostly am.

Kids are not on my mind right now, nor should they be for a long time. My Mum taught me that, love you Mummy =) in fact one of my goals is to someday bring my parents to my European Villa or my Caribbean Condo (or both, depending on how good my job is- but I wont keep my hopes up)for an all expenses paid holiday (once again, relying on the job a bit there).

But for now, I'm LockedinTranslation. I tend to not give too much information out to complete strangers, so I'll leave it at that for now.

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